Well we've been home a few days now and just wanted to report how things are going so far...and things are going pretty great! It took over the weekend for us to all get over our jet lag. Luckily, Bobby's mom was here to help when Miss Mila was wide awake in the middle of the night. Unfortunately, we all came down with a cough/cold from the flight home so that has been an extra thing we are dealing with, but even that has not stopped Mila from being a great little girl. The first time in the house, we were nervous that Mila would be ok with everything. Of course we were just ending an epic 24 hours straight of travel so anyone would be in a mood after that but Mila still seemed to like the house just fine. Mom had decorated the house with streamers and balloons welcoming us home and had Mila's room extra clean. We took her into her room and I think at first she was kind of unsure. But then we started showing her all the toys we had for her and then she really started to get into it. It was so nice to see her playing in her room after so long of waiting to get her! The first couple of days were just spent trying to get all of us on the same sleep schedule. But it seems that now on Tuesday, we are all getting on track. For the past two nights, she has slept through most of the night with Baba starting off sleeping with her and then Mama checking in on her the next night. She is also taking a pretty decent nap around noon everyday. Eating has been a little challenge. We are finding her to be a bit of a picky eater, she has to decided when and what she wants to eat. But we have been experimenting with a bunch of different things to see what she likes. She has really taken to our cats and is very gentle when petting them and lets them smell her hands before she starts petting them. She is enjoying playing with us and likes her stickers the most. She also enjoys coloring. A few of our friends have stopped by to look in on her. Varinia brought her daughter, Olivia, over Sunday to play for a few hours and Mila really enjoyed that. In all, we would say she is doing amazing for all that she has been through. She is an amazing little kid and we really are glad that we get to have her in our lives.