Great Wall

Thursday, April 11, 2013
We're on the list!
We received official word from our International agency that our dossier has been logged into China's system and now we are on the waiting list to be matched! So what now? Well, each month China releases a list to all adoption agencies of children that are ready to be matched for adoption. This list usually comes out towards the end of the month. Once our agency gets the list, they review it, and based off of what we specified on our application, they will begin trying to find a match for us. We receive an email from our agency each month when they receive the list and then at any time after that we could receive a call saying that they have a match for us. Once we receive the info they have of the child, we will review it with a pediatrician who specializes in international adoptions, and together we will decide if we accept the match. If we do, then there is some paperwork that gets filled out and sent to china which locks in the match for us and then at that point we are committed. Now, why would anyone not accept the match? Well its basically because the child may have medical conditions that we feel we are not capable of handling. But we know that the Lord has a special child in mind that is reserved just for us!